
A Movie About ChatRoulette

In the course of thinking about making a short digital storytelling project about a ukulele website, I’ve been looking for other examples of short films, documentaries, etc. about websites and other intangible, ephemeral subjects.

The other day, thanks to boxee, I came across “A Movie About Chatroulette.” While it’s not exactly in the style I want to do my project, it’s a really good example of how one might go about making a film-based project about a website. Chatroulette, unlike UkuleleUnderground, has the advantage of being video-based rather than text-based, but presents with other problems: How do you document something that is ephemeral, by nature always changing, anonymous, shapeless, user-defined in the moment, and always experienced between two people at a time? I think Casey Neistat does a great job of dealing with these issues.

chat roulette from Casey Neistat on Vimeo.

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